Common Misconceptions About The Amish
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Here is a list of common misconceptions about the Amish I thought my readers might enjoy reading. It is good for an outsider to understand the various sects of Amish because each sect does things a little bit different from the others. One can rarely make a blanket statement lumping all the Amish together. For example, “The Amish don’t allow their picture to be taken.” This is not true of all Amish sects so you can’t make a blanket statement about it. It would be more correct to say, “The Swartzentruber Amish and a few other sects of Amish frown upon having their pictures taken.” That would be a truer statement. Common Misconceptions Rumshpringa Probably the biggest misconception of...

A Look Inside an Amish Family's Meal Time
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So much of the Amish lifestyle is about routine, structure and diligently following the rules of the church. In today’s world with everyone hustling off to appointments, games, after school activities a family can often feel like they have no structure and are losing each other. When I look back at my Amish heritage I have to say the structure and routine are what I really value so much. It has been a great foundation for my life and since Cameron and I have become a family it has helped us to build from that as well. The family unit is important to the Amish. The family will sit down together at mealtime and bow to pray a blessing...

How Do The Amish Make Money?
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I thought it might be interesting to write about the different types of businesses the Amish work for and own. Farming is still thriving in Amish Country, however, there are way too many people for everyone to own their own farm. In today’s world the Amish have become quite innovative in how they make a living. I’m going to make a list of some of the jobs and businesses Amish work for or own but I know my list will not be exhaustive. Farmers have one of the most labor intensive jobs around. The work has gotten easier for the New and Old Order Amish in the past 20-30 years as they have adapted to more of the modern...
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